BC Floors® Blog

Vinyl Flooring: When Is the Right Time to Replace It? Check Out Which Signs Indicate That It Is Better to Replace the Coating

If you have vinyl flooring in your home or company, you probably already know one of the main benefits of this type of floor: the ease of maintenance. Replacing vinyl flooring is much easier than replacing any other type of flooring. But the big question is: when is the right time to replace it? A lot of people still wonder about this. Does the floor need to be changed at a certain time interval? Or only when it’s worn out? In today’s article, you will find out the best time to change the floor, taking advantage of its features until

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Hardwood Floor Restoration: Is It Worth It? Or Should I Change the Entire Flooring?

Are you going to renovate the house and don’t know what to do with that old hardwood floor that is already all scratched and worn? It is important to know that it is worth evaluating possibilities for floor refinishing and restoration before investing in the total replacement of the material. After all, when well taken care of, hardwood flooring is durable, never goes out of style, brings more comfort to spaces (even walking barefoot on cold days) and does not appear to be easily dirty (unlike some very smooth coverings, in that a strand of hair can really stand out).

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How to Choose the Ideal Carpet? Check Out the Tips in This Complete Guide

When talking about carpet flooring, in general, the main factors that are taken into account when making a decision are prices, available colors, in which rooms it will be applied, cleaning and maintenance frequency, right? It turns out that there are other factors to be taken into account, such as the type of carpet (broadloom or tile) and even the fiber material. All this impacts the final look of the room, the frequency of maintenance and, of course, the warmth that the material can provide that space. So, if you are thinking about choosing carpet as a flooring for a

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Hardwood Floors: Check Out Some Floor Layout Options That Can Transform Your Home

Have you ever heard of hardwood floor layout? If you haven’t heard it, you’ve probably noticed it in practice. That’s because solid wood floors can be designed and assembled in a number of different patterns, such as checkered, herringbone, diagonal and others. **Please take note that all flooring designs & layouts must be reviewed and approved by BC Floors before any quotation of service.** If well thought out, together with a good choice of material, it contributes to the final aesthetic result and, depending on the chosen pattern, can be a great ally for the economy of the work. In

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Guide: How to Choose the Ideal Hardwood Floors

The floor is one of the main choices in a house and wood is one of people’s favorite options. But, before applying a coating, it is necessary to think about several aspects that involve this choice – from aesthetics to care and maintenance. With that in mind, we’ve put together a complete hardwood floor guide. Check it out below. Types of Hardwood Floors There are many species of wood that are used in the manufacture of floors, among the most common are oak, ivory, peroba and teak, for example. And wood is used to make a number of different types

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Is It Time to Change the Carpet? See Factors That May Indicate That It Is

Carpet is one of the most used types of flooring – whether corporate or residential spaces, specially in regions with lower temperatures. That’s because it is a great option to offer thermal comfort to the rooms, as well as helping with acoustic insulation. But like any other type of material, it has a lifespan that determines when it needs to be replaced. Considering this, how do you know the right time to change carpets? How to Prolong the Life of Your Carpet Of course, the quality of the carpet is a key factor in prolonging its life. But it is

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Does My Hardwood Floors Need Maintenance? Check Out Some Tips

Hardwood floors are widely admired for their strength, elegance and the characteristic beauty that each type of wood offers. However, it must not be forgotten that this is a natural material that, no matter how durable and resistant it may be, needs some specific care to prolong its aesthetic attractiveness and its useful life. Stains, scratches, mold and other impact marks are some of the problems that hardwood floors are exposed to. Because of that, check out some tips to recover and clean these precious and admired floors. Hardwood Floors Maintenance Tips Scraping Wooden Floors Hardwood floors, over the years,

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Flooring Trends for 2022: Check Out What Will Be Hot in the Coming Months

A trend is everything that translates into colors, materials, formats and design what we’re looking for – it’s true for fashion, but it’s also true for home and decor. That’s because even if we change the floor at home much less often than we change an item of clothing, for example, we still have innovations and aspects that are also on the rise in this segment. Therefore, throughout this article, we are going to discuss some trends in floorings for the upcoming years. Flooring Trends in 2022 1. Vinyl flooring For those who are renovating or building a house from

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Epoxy or Polished Concrete Floor? Learn About the Advantages of These Options for Commercial and Industrial Spaces

Are you looking for a practical and very durable flooring option for a high-traffic area? It can be a commercial building, an industry or even a garage or basement: polished concrete floors and epoxy coated floors are two great options in these cases. And to help you decide, we’ll talk a little about them in today’s post. Epoxy or Polished Concrete Flooring – Differences An epoxy coated floor is a floor that receives a layer of a material formed by a resin and a catalyst. When the two compounds are mixed, they form a monolithic chemical bond. This mixture imparts

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Hardwood flooring in Vancouver: advantages and disadvantages of this type of floor

Although nowadays there is a huge variety of flooring, we cannot deny that the hardwood floor is one of the great favourites. Few materials are able to provide so much comfort, strength and insulation. However, to make a decision it is always good to be clear about the pros and cons. Yes, this wonderful flooring has good things and bad things, like everything in life. Hardwood Flooring in Vancouver The hardwood floor, the one used inside the houses, is made up of fine wooden pieces that are presented in a wide variety of formats. Speaking of installation systems, the most

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