BC Floors® Blog

Epoxy or Polished Concrete Floor? Learn About the Advantages of These Options for Commercial and Industrial Spaces

Are you looking for a practical and very durable flooring option for a high-traffic area? It can be a commercial building, an industry or even a garage or basement: polished concrete floors and epoxy coated floors are two great options in these cases. And to help you decide, we’ll talk a little about them in today’s post. Epoxy or Polished Concrete Flooring – Differences An epoxy coated floor is a floor that receives a layer of a material formed by a resin and a catalyst. When the two compounds are mixed, they form a monolithic chemical bond. This mixture imparts

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Flooring for commercial offices: discover the quieter options

More and more companies have bet on a new physical structure for the work areas, tearing down walls and creating large offices called “open space”. In addition to the modern and clean look, the new office concept proposes a more collaborative environment, which facilitates communication and social interaction. And to make the workplace more pleasant and comfortable, it is essential to also think about floors for commercial spaces. If the location is an office with high circulation of people, it’s not just the beauty, practicality, durability and price that come into the equation. It is also necessary to think about

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