Vancouver Hardwood Floors: How to Choose the Ideal Wood Color for My Home?

One of the most striking features of hardwood floors is the variety of shades available. In addition to the enormous diversity in types of wood, this versatile material also allows us to change the colors, texture and shine through varnishes, oils and types of brushing.

Faced with so many possibilities, it is normal to have doubts when choosing the tone and finish of your wooden floor, so we have separated some tips that will certainly guide you in this choice and make it easier.

It is also important to emphasize the importance of having professional help when choosing your floor. Of course, the more information you have, the easier it will be to arrive at the ideal option – but a professional will also be able to guide you about technical issues. If you’re from the Vancouver area and want to discuss your options, we’d be happy to help – click here to contact us.

Is Hardwood Floor Color the Most Important?

No! Before moving on to the tips on wood color, it is interesting to remember that there are other important issues that must be taken into account. One of them is the hardness of the material. Some woods are harder, while others are softer.

This means that if the place where the floor will be installed has high traffic of people or even if you have children and pets at home, it is interesting to choose a more resistant material. That way, it will suffer less from the wear and tear and scratches that naturally occur on wooden floors.

Also, here you can check out a guide with some other important information on hardwood floors.

How to Choose the Best Hardwood Floor Shades?

That said, we can move on to the color issue. Below are some points to consider when making your decision.

1. Property size

The size – both of the property and the rooms – is something that must be taken into account. Woods in lighter shades give the impression of wider, brighter and airy rooms. Therefore, they can be the best choices for smaller spaces.

2. Sophistication

For a few years now, darker wood tones have been trending – and therefore, they are very much associated with sophistication. But before choosing these colors, it is necessary to remember that they give the opposite impression of light tones. That is, they can diminish an environment. In properties or smaller rooms, they may not be the best options.

3. Think of the whole

In addition to thinking about the question of whether tonality can give the impression of amplitude (or the opposite) to a space, we need to think about the whole. If your furniture and decoration objects are mostly dark, a dark floor can weigh a lot on the room.

4. Designs

Solid wood is a type of material that also allows patterns. And the different designs can be made either with the same shade or in different shades. This is an option that can give a special charm to the room – we talked about it in detail in this blog post.

5. Consider sunlight

Is the room where you would like to install the hardwood flooring very sunny? If so, you need to take this into account – colors change when exposed to the sun, so the color you see on a computer screen or in a sample may not always look the same in your home.

In addition, it is necessary to consider that some types of wood also change little by little with sun exposure – they can become lighter or darker.

6. Ask for samples

If even reading a lot about the subject and seeing decoration references you still have doubts, talk to the company that will do the installation for you and ask for samples of the coatings you liked the most. So you can get an idea of ​​how that color looks next to your furniture and objects.

Hardwood Floors in Vancouver

This decision should be well thought out – after all, solid wood floors, when well cared for, last for decades. Our professionals are trained both to help you with this decision and to install the floor. To contact us, click here.

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