BC Floors® Blog

Flooring for high traffic areas in Vancouver: How to choose the best option

Currently, there are a multitude of flooring options available on the market, each with its specifications and particularities. When designing high-traffic areas, such as commercial spaces, it is critical to ask the right questions to define materials according to environmental requirements and functions. Flooring for High Foot Traffic Areas To start with: where will the flooring be installed? Is it indoors or outdoors? Is it a wet area? How much traffic will it be submitted to? Light, moderate or high? What kind of flow will the floor receive? Are they just people? Or bicycles, light vehicles and heavy vehicles? Also,

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Backsplash Tile in Vancouver: Top Trends for 2019

For kitchen backsplash tile in Vancouver, the team at BC Floors has got you covered. Backsplash tile can be almost any sort of tile. From natural stone, ceramic or porcelain materials, the backsplash is an affordable update that easily allows homeowners to refresh tired or outdated kitchens without investing in a full space makeover. The kitchen and bathroom remain two of the most popular investments when it comes to renovating spaces. Why? Because these add beauty and value to the home. The kitchen, in particular, is considered to be the heart of the home, with the average remodelling budget coming

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